Monday, October 12, 2015

2nd - SAGE Ravioli Zucca with Browned Butter

Canyon Gardening

 !<>!<>!<>!  Maria Edition  !<>!<>!<>!

Presented by The Gardening Guys
and featuring the world famous
Culinary Adventurers

Sage is on everyone's mind today.
Everyone's mind is expanding...
Thoughts are stirring, questions roaring.
Teeth are whiter, kids are brighter.
And now we are pleased to bring you...

 Ravioli Zucca in a Browned Butter Sage Sauce.

Maria is there for every class the Garden Guys teach.
She is the most important Garden Guy and without her the classes that the children love so much would not run as seamlessly and as beautifully as they do.
She does much more than we ever imagined a parent doing and we thank her from the bottom of our hearts as should you if you ever run in to this amazing woman.

Here she is again...

Read the facts page and this picture will be "clear" 

Read it... Go on, its FASCINATING!!!

Here is a glimpse of what some call a modern day ninja. Legend has it that he is so quick due to these "black socks" he wedges perfectly into his sandals that you think you are looking right at him but he's actually gone to lunch, checked the mail, checked the mail again, taken a nap, checked the mail one last time and then returned.
This is an incredibly rare photo of what the face of a modern day ninja looks like just before they vanish, unseen... for minutes.

Tony demonstrates to the kids how sage can whiten teeth right before their very eyes. Most of the kids informed us they are switching from colgate to sage-ate as soon as they get home.

Due to the mass amount of sage ingested during todays lessons, Sean's thoughts shifted from ravioli to quantum theories on reversing gravitational particles within our cells. Thus making up feel more like up and down feel, well, up.


Part of Gardening is making certain every student learns an instrument.
Here Mrs. Lamb relaxes to the melodious music as a student plays a rousing rendition of "The Garden Song" on our new Saxocan!

by J. Famous Deli
We made sumthin'
Like a dumplin'
Using cheese an' sage an' pumpkin.
Italians call them ravioli
Egg wash kept them whole, not hole-y.
The kids all said they were delicious
...Maria had to wash the dishes
We might drift, but she's our anchor
So if you see her you should thank her

SAGE's AMAZING Physical Benefits!
Before Sage:  El Gordo
After Sage  --  EL DELGADA!!!

Sean Sez:
"Sage this age is all the rage
For making brains think half their age!"

Jerry Enjoins:
"I wish Sean would quit sezzing things!
It makes it seem my brain can't thin-kgs."
(That rhymes close enough!)

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