Saturday, October 3, 2015

1st - Bruschetta

The Garden Guys
(left to right) Mr. Potamus, Mr. Porkypine, Mr. B. Eagle,
and trying to getta out of frame before she gets associated with the resta us, the

Today's lesson needs NO introduction. . . 

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 . . . . .Okay, okay. It's BRUSCHETTA!

Tony is well known for his acting abilities.
Many Canyon parents have said, "He must be an actor."
Here Tony offers his interpretation, a dramatic reading of
Shakepeare's "Sonnet to Bruschetta"
"Etta's daddeh made some bruschetta
She tried it at lunch and said it was bettah
Then eating a bucket of cheese known as feta
And it cost them so little they stayed outa debt-eh
So run to your parents and ask them to gettah
All the good stuff we put in our bruschetta!"
~ W. Shakespeare
Born-1564. Died -just after reading this.
A note on this sonnet. Shakespeare left this sonnet unfinished. It has recently been suggested the only "unfinished" part was that Shakespeare meant to throw it out.
Shortly after abandoning this sonnet Shakespeare quit his copywriting position,
to devote himself more fully to writing plays.
We are sorry to say we don't know what happened with his playwriting career.

Maria and Jerry mourn the death of Shakespeare,
while Sandy performs her "Jazz Hands Memorial to Bill"

We have expanded our lessons to include famous modern art.
Here the students discus "Red on Green Circle"
by deconstructivist Richard Bruschetta of the Los Angeles "Kitchen School."

(the mysteriously missing) Sean Sez:
"This appetizer appeals to my appetite
It's alimentary to have bruschetta tonight."

Keepa you mouth off my bruschetta
Or elsa I gonna getta you wetta

Department of Parent Involvement = NO Kids Allowed!
We know how smart you parents are, so we know
if you've read our Tomato Facts you've seen our error.
(Did you find it? Go ahead, look again.)

(Ahh, now you've found it haven't you?
So you can skip the following since you already know it.)

(I said, SKIP THE NEXT PART, Mr Knowitall!)

(Not so smart after all, eh? Okay, read on...)

Apparently there are "thousands of varieties of tomatoes" ...and one.
Since 2012 there have been BLUE Tomatoes,
created through hybridization (not GMO).
We regret the error (I blame my colleagues!), and we will correct ourselves.

But WAIT! Yes, Wait!

Okay, you can start reading again.
At our next lesson we will ask the children if they know about our mistake!
And YOUR child can help correct us!
We will know if you read the blog when we ask.

And we have ways of making you read the blog... 

(Pretend nothing happened)


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