Friday, September 25, 2015

1st Grade - Pesto!

Canyon Parent: "Jerry's so witty writing blogs."
Concerned Parent: "If only he wasn't such a slow wit. The blog is always late!"
Canyon Parent: "I always consider not having to read it so soon an added plus."
Persuaded Parent: "Hmmm... Still, if only they could publish it as a Work In Progress, then at least we'd have the facts and recipe on time."
Together: "...Those horrid cartoons!"

The Canyon WIP Blog

"Oooommmmmm....     Ooommmmmmm."
Jerry's powers of supermentalation hummed like a UNIVAC 1000.
"If I can imagine it, it can be.
If I imagine it, it can be.
It can be.
It can be..."



starring the Gardening Guys!
The Mental Master, The Planter of Progress,
and featuring the RETURN of the Prodigal Chef!

Abracadabra! Presto . . . Pasta . . . Pesto!


And he's just in time for


...And the PESTO Recipe!

The class began with a whiff of an untold plant.
"Basil tov," greeted Jerry.
Every one took a whiff.
One of the fun facts of basil...?
Greeks & Romans erroneously thought smelling basil could grow scorpions in your brain!
Jerry tried to explain the meaning of "erroneous," but the kids had run out to find the school nurse.

Sean explained that Pasta was the "vessel" for the pesto.
Maria insisted that we use bowls anyway.
Here we see a parent volunteer hand counting each piece so no child feels unfairly treated.
All the kids picked Basil leaves, then added them to the mix.

For safety reasons professional lemon squeezers were brought in.

"C'mon, let's count the pieces. 1 - 2 - 3 ..."

"Who liked the pesto?" ...All hands went up!

Before watering all students must recite the watering can pledge:
"I, state your name..."

Tony teaches the hand dialect of fine foods.
"Aayy! Basilini!"
"No! I'm never getting up again!"
"What? A song?...'Oooooooooo-OKlahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain...'"

Sean Sez:
"Prose flows red as a rose
while sowing rows where basil grows."

Jerry instructs on how to swat flies
The "High 5 Fly" technique, mastered by Tony.
Practice makes perfect: Open, close, open, close.
We also studied the compassionate "Brush Wave" method.
All the students gained their speckled belt, but jerry (too humble to use a capital "j")
Remains, "The Lord Of The Flies Swatter"

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