Monday, March 14, 2016

2nd - Ides of March, Julius Caesar, Caesar Salad in T.J.

We chose Caesar Salad for the Ides of March
As the facts reveal, Julius Caesar had nothing to do with the salad.

...Nor did Augustus, or Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius,
Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius,
Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus, Commodus, Pertinax, Didus Julianus, Septimius Severus,
Caracalla, Geta, Macrinus, Diadumenian, Elagabalus, Severus Alexander,
Maximinus I, Gordian I, Gordian II, Pupienus, Balbinus, Gordian III,
Philip I, Philip II, Trajan Decius, Herennius Etruscus, Hostilian--

There are about 27 more Caesars of Rome, but trust me,
none of them had anything to do with Caesar Salad.
It's spelled: A N C H O V I E S

Smash the anchovies with a fork in the bottom of a bowl.
Add the oil and vinegar.
Mix in the egg yolk, mustard, lemon juice, Worcestershire and garlic.
Add the lettuce and mix.
Add croutons and cheese.

Added Tips:
Mince the garlic cloves.
Lightly whip the egg yolk to give a creamy consistency to the dressing.
Some people simply toss whole anchovies with the salad.

LOOK OUT KIDS! It's the Evil Mr Eats.
He's trying to eat all the ingredients before you can make your salad.
Somebody call Mr Rice Paper Face Man to save us!!!
"Arrgh! I can't get enuff of thees little fish.
If only zey wait till they gro bigger to catch zem!
They reminds me of my fun travels in Far Tartu-ghardy har har har!"

"I don't get it.
But he's tall, maybe the humor's going over my head."

The following image was smuggled out of a Caesar Salad Factory hidden in the
Santa Monica Canyon. Our intrepid reporter risked his life to get these
undercover shots.
It's in these "Salad Factories" that children chosen for their intelligence and
good looks create some of the best Caesar Salads in the world.

KIDS! Don't let this happen to you!
Wash your hands regularly or germs, even LETTUCE can grow on them!

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