The Gardening Guys
Mountainous Man, Mountain Man, Mahna Mahna Man and
Maria the Montane
Fruits? ...Or Vegetables?
You want answers?
I think I'm entitled to.
You want answers?
I want the FRUIT!
...You can't handle the fruit!!
The truth is they are ALL fruits!

Whew! Now that we have that out of the way,
can you help these happy fruits?
They don't have LEGS! You'll have to show them the way
through the viney maze to their final resting place in
The Garden Guys Rootie Tootie Fruitie
Fruit Salad
Yes, Officer. That's the one. It was the vegetable!
Parents, now YOU can impress your children with the
Mystifying Mental Madness
kept secret for millennia by the secret organization of
The Garden Guys!
Ask your children if peas are a fruit.
Peas-in-the-pod are a fruit.
Peas outside the pod are a seed!
Avocado, Bell Pepper, Cucumber, Lemon Juice, Tomato, Olive and Olive Oil.
Six simple ingredients. The kids all made their own fruit salad.
Tony says, "You gotta squeeza da lemon."
Mr Potato made a guest appearance!
"Ready? One, two, three (everyone inhales)"
"MARIA! We just met a girl named Maria!"
"Well, I heard that Sean Sez:
"Eating fruit is an astute route
To staying cute in your Sunday suit!" "
"Yes, but didn't Lord Byron say:
"The citron and olive are fairest of fruit
And the voice of the nightingale is never mute." "
"...Ha, ha! Sean's is WAY better!"
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